Medals for hero firemen

Honoring the Brave – The Montreal Herald Apr. 6, 1885

Gold Medals for Firemen Briere, Dubois and Provost.

It will be remembered that early on the morning of February 20th last a disastrous fire took place in a boarding-house at 1995 Notre Dame street, during which the corpse of the lady who had been proprietor of the place was reduced to ashes, one person was burned so terribly that death ensued, and others were rescued from a similar fate by the plucky and humane efforts of the hosemen from No. Four fire station. At considerable personal risk they carried down a number of boarders from the top flats of the building and prevented a more serious loss of life. To mark in a becoming manner how the services of the firemen in question have been appreciated, for their behavior at the place mentioned, a number of residents and business men of Notre Dame street West propose presenting the three men with a medal each as a token of regard. The medals have been designed and manufactured by Mr. Theodore White, whose experience in such matters has enabled him to turn out three of the prettiest trophies imaginable. The medals and appendages are of the finest gold, each four inches long. Over the clasp are a pair of crossed hose branches elegantly chased. A fireman’s helmet is attached below, being connected with the medal proper by a scroll bearing the date “1885,” and supported by crossed hose keys. The medal is somewhat larger than a double eagle and bears the name of the man to whom it is to be presented and the nature of the service for which it is awarded. The parties to whom these are to be presented are Pierre Prevost, Arthur Briere and Cleophas Dubois, all of the Chaboillez Square Station. It is expected that the presentation will take place during the week, and will be accompanied by an illuminated address. In the meantime, the medals may be viewed at Mr. White’s.